To start this presentation, it should be taken into consideration that to help peoples and people at an individual level, you must have the tools to fulfill that purpose. Otherwise any effort made will be sterile.
From the conceptual point of view, Human Rights are the set of natural laws to which every human being is entitled, which have been specified in the Declaration of Human Rights put into operation since 1946 by the United Nations. , a responsibility in which Mrs. Eleonor Roosevelt, widow of the former President of the United States, had a leading role, for which Human Rights should be in a higher place in the scale of UN commitments.
However, from a pragmatic point of view, these natural laws that every human being possesses "per se" cannot be implemented, at least in their entirety, as long as the current regulations included in the Charter of the United Nations are maintained, since several articles limit the effort that can be made to defend the peoples in the face of abuses by any government, and I quote:
Article 7:
"No provision of this Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of States, nor oblige Members to submit such matters to settlement procedures under this Charter; but this principle does not oppose the application of the coercive measures prescribed in Chapter VII."
Despite the fact that Human Rights are used today as an argument for international relations, when referring to the States, as sovereign members of an Institution such as the UN, contradictions are difficult to overcome, which places this set of natural laws in a further position as far as effectiveness is concerned.
Consequently, cases like that of Venezuela, in which its population has been violated by the dictatorship, including several murders, serves as an example to highlight that the sovereignty and self-determination of peoples, in many cases serves as a screen to hide reality. of the towns.
From a real point of view, the current organizational model is very far from allowing actions that help the peoples equally, it is worth mentioning the Uyghur ethnic group as victims of China in a context where the latter is part of the P5.
Knowing that in the political order there is little that can be done, and that the only tool available is the persuasion of abusive governments, we could direct the work of the Agencies of the Institution towards humanitarian aid or the management of support towards equality of race or gender.
As a conclusion It could be inferred that the place occupied by human rights will depend on what type of help an individual or group needs.
The implementation of Human Rights requires goodwill and individual principles or as a society. These elements make up the first rule and the cornerstone to be able to apply the natural laws to which all "Human" beings have a "Right".
Raul Alberto Diaz
Journalist Writer
Specialization discussion project
Global Diplomacy at the University of London