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Between heaven and earth there is nothing hidden

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It is very difficult to verify if a politician has received money or not as a result of corruption, because they have developed implausible methods to hide such benefits. (Frontmen, relatives, environment, and even money laundering (the Narcos series explains everything)

What I am sure of is the concern that exists in certain circles of the “opposition”, the same that being involved in shenanigans (Odebrecht and Derwick) the most ranked, have accepted the blackmail of agreements to establish the 2 Punto Fijo pact , and develop a kind of alternation in power always with the pieces seized by the Dictatorship possessing the long-awaited incriminating evidence. If you doubt  ask Marcelo Odebrecht, who dropped the yoyo when he testified before the Brazilian justice. 

So far no one has proof that Guaidó has received toston, (I say) beyond what is said about his brother in Spain. But that is not the problem. 

The discourse is that his complacency before the worms of the MUD, representatives of the regime, leaves his integrity in public question and that is why we feel like giving an opinion about it because he is a public person and depends on him, in the first degree as head of government, carry out actions that go beyond inviting people to dance in the street and at home. 

We all know that there was the key moment to activate any of the 3 visible mechanisms that were on the mat: 
Palermo Convention, Tiar, 187-11. 

But the hairy hand of the politicians of office prevented it. Under what arguments... it will dawn and we will see. 

It is a fact that there is complicity in terms of corruption (relatives and entourage) between circles of the “opposition” and the regime. 

Will that club be the one that has dominated the fury with which Guaidó arrived?  O will it be your mentor who guides your pupil from the Backstage?

Corrupt politicians, journalists washing the face of the corrupt opposition to enter the stew, relatives of those millionaire politicians scattered around the world while the most fragile class of the country dies.

 Everything will come to light because, as Mom told me, there is nothing hidden between heaven and earth.  

Raul Alberto Diaz.

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